The goal of the American Medical Program at Tel Aviv University is to attract highly qualified young men and women whose personal qualities indicate great promise for becoming outstanding physicians. Toward that end, the Admissions Committee has no preference regarding an applicant’s undergraduate major. However, we are interested in your science preparation and the breadth of your entire undergraduate academic and extracurricular experience.
Equal consideration is given to all applications from qualified citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or Canada, without regard to sex, religion, age, race, color, national origin, or physical handicap, within the meaning of applicable federal and state laws.
The New York City office of the American Medical Program at Tel Aviv University has sole responsibility for the admission of students into the American Medical Program.
The American Medical Program at Tel Aviv University has the right to change anything in this website at any time, for any reason, at its sole discretion, without prior notice.

College Loan Code of Conduct
Consumer Information
Copyright Policy
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Drug Law Violations
Emergency Telephone Numbers
Evaluation of Student Performance
Medical and Legal Services
New York State Education Department’s Registered Programs
New York State Letter
Return of Title IV Funds Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Security and Safety
Students’ Disciplinary Code